Imagine the scene. An evil wizard is just trying to stock his tower with suitable monsters and minions. As the evil wizard manual says you start with the weak minions first, by the entrance, and then add progressively more powerful beasts.
Our wizard puts a single kobold in the first room by the door. He’s a modern wizard though and provides the kobold guardian with a mobile phone, on the Wiznet network, so emergency texts and updates can be sent if needs be. What could go wrong?
With apologies and inspiration to Texts from Dog.
Thanks to some awesome Geek Native readers our little, somewhat cheeky, kobold has some fans. There’s nothing better than having fans when you’re bored and stuck at work guarding the tower of an evil wizard. The next best thing is having a t-shirt with a texting kobold on it, or perhaps a mug, then again a “Texts from Kobold” smartphone case would be pretty cool too.
Good news! Geek Native has a little RedBubble store and “Texts from Kobold” is a design you can have. Make this little critter a happier kobold.