Due to arrive mid-2021 is a new D&D 5e book from Dungeon Crawl Classics publisher Goodman Games.

The new book is a collection of monsters, both malevolent and benign, from over 20 years of Goodman Games and 200 brand new inventions. In total Dungeon Denizens will have over 500 creatures inside.
Goodman Games says the challenge ratings of these monsters will range from 0 to above 20 and each full-page entry will have brand-new full-colour art.
Monsters come with notes on ecology, so you know where to place them in your game be that in dark dungeons, the dangerous boughs of the forest, sandy wastes or windswept dunes. There will be help with the tactics the monsters use and lore on them.
Bonus content includes suggestions for encounter groups, potential treasure and even new spells and magic items that suit each monstrous encounter.
The back of the book has been revealed, and it suggests Dungeon Denizens will include aberrations such as the abollar, the nagalist and pool lurker.
New humanoids such as degenerate sih’hel, the savage serpentine tzopiloani, and the carapace-clad klaklin will often have spellcaster and leader variants.
Trollhounds, inferno cats and demons like Malotoch and Bobugbubilz will join more mundane beasts that are suitable for druid wildshapes too.