The third book of the Meatlandia old school RPG series from Knight Owl Publishing is on Kickstarter and raking in the pledges.
Compatible with Old School Essentials, The Scourge of the Scorn Lords is a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting that’s asking for $10,000 from backers. The book funded in 36 hours and now has $16,000 in pledges. You can check out the details on the Kickstarter page.
Knight Owl Publishing describe The Scourge of the Scorn Lords as unapologetically dangerous, drawing on and mashing up Mad Max, Fist of the North Star, Dark Sun and Beastmaster.
While this is the third book in Meatlandia series, you don’t need the first two to use this. Scorn Lords is a setting and an adventure book.
The book will be 100 pages long and full of tables. Why the tables? Knight Owl Publishing reckons randomness rules and they’re putting a d66 table in for good measure too.
Full of monsters, the Scorn Lands are also home to bands of cannibal marauders and the fierce Scorn Lords themselves. These sorcerer-demigods rule the barbaric lands while engaging in factional infighting. Some will try and kill you, others hire you.

A PDF copy of The Scourge of the Scorn Lords requires an $8 pledge, and $20 will get all three of the Meatlandia books as downloads.
$25 (about £19) will get you the standard print edition of the book while $45 is what it takes to get the Collector’s Edition print copy.