Chasing Adventure is new Powered by the Apocalypse game from Smore Productions.
The project began as a refinement of Dungeon World, but grew and evolved into its own project. The full download costs $10.
A free to download version also exists, with the same page count according to the DriveThruRPG details.
In the game, characters are bold adventurers in a fantasy setting who earn the favour of their peers, along with boosting their personal wealth and power, by defeating enemies. It offers fast chargen and starting adventure tables.
Both versions tweak Dungeon World;
- Advantage/Disadvantage has replaced most instances of +1/-1 modifiers
- No Load, Rations, or (mostly) Ammo
- CON has been removed
- Background replaces Race and Alignment
- Moves and Playbooks have been remade
- HP and Damage have been replaced with Conditions
- Wealth is an abstract replacement for coins
- You can gain or lose Favor with each other and NPCs.
The full version also has treasure and magic items, an adventure generator and prep help for GMs.
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