Cabal of Enchantment has a D&D 5e supplement on Kickstarter called Alchemy & Poisoncraft.
While the book offers up advanced alchemy rules, with feats, equipment, backgrounds, spells and even a new class, the supplement also contains a whole alchemical themed dungeon and an island city ruled by different organisations.
Geek Native has a free preview below, and you can find out more, or pledge, at the pitch page.
The PDF along with a thank you is yours for a pledge of £19, and that’s due April 2021.
If you step up to £34, then you get the softcover as well. However, the hardback is available instead for £39. You won’t have to wait any longer for the print editions, if all goes to plan, as they are earmarked for April too.
Want something right now? Well, what about an Alchemist’s Chicken. This foul thing doesn’t know it’s a tiny alchemical monstrosity, it thinks it is hungry and wants grain. The catch? Should it ever die; it’ll explode!

The contents splash lists 30 potions, 30 poisons and even more alchemical substances, herbs, concoctions, and items – stuff for your PCs to collect and find useful.
It also helps flesh out characters interest in alchemy with new feats, backgrounds, archetypes and a whole class. The 15 monsters are a way of bringing alchemical and poison concerns to them.
However, the book also promises a chapter on the “World of Alchemy” which contains the Lair of the Mad Alchemist as a dungeon adventure and the Citadel of Wonders as a way to safely add an area to learn all about the dangerous science to your campaign.
Alchemy & Poisoncraft preview
[Download Alchemy & Poisoncraft preview]
A free preview is also available, shared here with Cabal of Enchantment’s permission but also available as a download link from the Kickstarter page.