Green Ronin have made a 50+ page quickstart for their romantic fantasy game Blue Rose available as a free download.

You do not need an account with their website to get the PDF, but you do need to complete a checkout process (without any payment information) to receive an email with your download link in it.
The quickstart is for the Adventure Game Engine (AGE) version of Blue Rose and contains enough of the rules to get to know the system and play through The Rhy-Wolf’s Woe, the included adventure.
Written by Stephen Michael DiPesa, The Rhy-Wolf’s Woe features a wild area of Blue Rose’s Aldea setting. In keeping with the tropes of romantic fantasy, this wilderness isn’t just a place of danger, but of beauty and discovery as well. The adventure features a diverse cast including a constellation family of lovers and relatives.
The full Blue Rose RPG can be bought from Green Ronin’s store or DriveThruRPG where it is a gold best seller.
Tempted by the setting but not learning a new RPG system? In September, Green Ronin announced a 5e-powered Blue Rose in the form of the Blue Rose Adventurer’s Guide, which can be pre-ordered today.