Tales of Alethrion caught people’s attention with a great animation called The Reward in which two heroes-in-waiting travelled the world together in search of treasure.
Since then the animator has gone his own way, set up his own companies and started investing in the Tales of Alethrion story. The latest project is a board game complete with miniatures. Mikkel Mainz asked for DKK 80,000 for the project and with nearly three weeks still to run has raised DKK 117,000. You can join in on the pitch page.
Just as The Reward featured a treasure map, with a cross and people squabbling over the loot; so does the board game.
There are smaller pledge tiers, but the one that unlocks the board game is DK 320, or about £39. The standard edition of the game has standees, not the models of the fantasy world’s heroes.
If you want those models, then you need to step up to DKK 495, about £60, and that also includes the Art of Tales of Alethrion book 3 in digital format.
Pledges go higher and the DKK 1,500 (£182) limited tier seems to be relatively popular and includes two collectable 70mm Tales of Alethrion models.
The expected delivery of the project is August 2022, so that’s nothing if not realistic.
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