There are 29 (and counting) interactive cyberpunk games available for the next two weeks in the powered Be A Better Cyberpunk.

It’s cyberpunk week with the release of Cyberpunk 2077, the computer game from CD Projekt Red which expands Mike Pondsmith’s tabletop RPG.
While Pondsmith’s R Talsorian Games certainly is not the megacorp it warns us of, it is far to say that some bigger studios are now producing content for the cyberpunk genre.
The bundle aims to offer up cyberpunk without transphobia, racism and labor exploitation. @NateKiernan has curated the bundle, and links to their Patreon adds;
A collection of inventive genre works to counteract the harm of 2077. Support independent creators exploring identity, artificial intelligence, class, gender, and transhumanism.
I’m only half an hour into Cyberpunk 2077 and haven’t come across any transphobia, racism or labour exploitation, Mike Pondsmith is a man of colour and writes cyberpunk as a warning, not a fetishized ideal of the future, but is Kiernan has some sources to cite for their concerns. Their concerns seem to be chiefly with CD Projekt Red than cyberpunk.
What’s, without doubt, is that exploitation, transphobia and racism are all horrible things and worth fighting back against.
The Be A Better Cyberpunk costs $60, which is a 48% saving on titles that usually cost $115.65 together.

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-’s Be A Better Cyberpunk bundle.