Less than a year after Fairy Tail finished, Hiro Mashima published a new manga called Edens Zero. You’ll see some familiar-looking characters in it.
Shinji Ishihara (Fairy Tail, Log Horizon) is directing the anime with a confirmed April 10 release date, with Yūshi Suzuki. Rent-a-Girlfriend scriptwriter, Mitsutaka Hirota, is adapting the manga for the show.
A 3D console RPG and a top-down RPG for smartphones based on the manga coming, with Konami, are developing them.
The anime kicks off at Granbell Kingdom, an old amusement park, when Rebecca Bluegarden and her blue cat, Happy, turn up. It’s the first time a human has been to Granbell in 100 years.
Kodansha Comics has been publishing the manga in English, and you can get it from Comixology.
Via Anime News Network.
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