On schedule, Pinnacle Entertainment Group has launched the Kickstarter for Savage Pathfinder.
There are many books connected to the campaign, which has already funded, but at the heart of there’s the Savage Worlds core rules for Pathfinder and the adventure path Rise of the Runlords.
Pathfinder began as an alternative to D&D but was more than just a ruleset, it also introduced a setting and a plot. This Kickstarter uses the Savage Worlds engine for that Golarion setting. You can back the project at the pitch page.
The Pathfinder for Savage Worlds core rulebook is a 256-page hardback, includes new Class Edges, new powers and options.
Unlike some Savage Worlds Kickstarter projects, you do not need a Savage Worlds Adventure Edition copy before you can use Savage Pathfinder. A streamlined and tweaked version is included.
The PDF backing tier starts at $25 and comes with more than the core rules. Also in that first reward slot is a poster map in digital form, Power Cards, Archetype Cards (set 1) and Templates and Tokens in PDF.
If all goes to plan, there won’t be much of a wait as the project has an expected digital delivery of April 2021.
The next tier up, $50, is for potential Game Masters. The Bestiary PDF, GM screen with adventure and Status Cards are added in.
Alternatively, players can get the core rules in hardback if they find $50. The physical books are a little further off, and the estimated delivery is September.
The first tier that includes the Rise of the Runelords adventure path is an all-digital one that costs $75. That’s also expected to be available in April.

The campaign also includes add-ons so you can mix-and-match and PEG are running stretch goals. The virtual tabletop basics for Savage Pathfinder and Hellknights have already been unlocked.