Nekotarō Inui’s Sakugan Labyrinth Marker is the story of nine-year-old Memenpu and her father, Gagamba. Together they operate a two-person robot, trying to make a basic living as they mine for ore.
The underground Labyrinth is crammed full of people, it’s hot and dangerous but rich in gold, silver and minerals. Workers like Gagamba are the lowest of the low.
One day Memenpu begs her father for the pair to become Markers. Markers explore the uncharted depth of the Labyrinth, mapping as they go. These maps are rare as exploring the Labyrinth’s innards is very dangerous, any encounter with the mysterious giant creatures down there is likely to result in death.
Why does Memenpu want to risk her life and her father’s? For greater riches? She wants to find her mother.
Gagamba agrees to his daughter’s request, recognising that he can’t stop her heading off by herself. He might as well go with her.
The mission’s cost to find their partner and mother might be more than either Memenpu or Gagamba expected.
The anime’s conceptual designs are by Kazuma Koda who previously worked on Pokemon and NeiR while Shoji Kawamori designed the kaiju.
Satelight made the anime, and after a delayed 2020 launch, the show will now broadcast in 2021. The voice of Memempu is Kanon Amane, who won the role as a college student after 1,400 applied for the position.
Via Anime News Network.
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