Nord Games’ Dangerous Destinations is a Kickstarter project for Gamemasters and Dungeon Masters. The hardback guides helps adventure designers craft interesting and hazardous locations for characters to visit.
The ask was $10,000, and with 20 days still on the clock, at the time of writing, nearly $150,000 has been pledged. It turns out, DMs appreciate assistance when it comes to crafting locations. You can check out the pitch or become a backer at the project page.
The process outlined by the book has GMs start by picking a destination type. There are 12 in the book, and it comes with suggestions for making that destination unique.
After that, one of the 12 supported environment types is also added with extra detail.
Thirdly, the particular type of danger for that destination is selected from the book.
Nord Games says the approach is thorough and quick enough to be done on the fly, as your players explore somewhere unexpected or as part of your planning.
A pledge of $5 will get you access to the BackerKit later. It takes $20 to secure your PDF, and that has an estimated delivery date of February 2022.
The hardcover requires a pledge of $40, which is $10 less than the expected retail price but requires shipping fees and only goes to certain countries.
A more popular tier is $60, which gets the hardback, the PDF, and a digital map pack.
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