Geek Native’s already had a preview of Crystalpunk, including a look at some of the new rules.
However, it’s the Kickstarter pitch that, I think, really brings the mood of the 5e-powered setting to life. In this magic-fuelled, rich corporations use dangerous demons at the risk of the poor. You can check out the whole pitch at the project page.
Spells, souls, demons and infused crystals are at the heart of this brutal future. As a Crystalpunk, you might have something to say about the right or wrong of how things have worked out. There will be tough choices and neo-noir adventures.
The 200-page, at least, book introduces new races, a new class, subclasses, and magitech equipment and spells. This Crystalpunk future summons vile creatures from the Void, new gods and a new cosmology.
A pledge of AU$25, about £14, is enough for the Crystalpunk Campaign Guide and AU$35 will get you the Crystalpunk Campaign Guide, Crystalpunk Chronicles in eBook and HD wallpapers.
The campaign guide’s hardcover comes with a jump to AU$68, and you can go higher still. The Limited Edition is restricted to 500 copies.
No matter which tier you pledge at, the estimated delivery is February 2022.
In addition to the usual Kickstarter question section, Plus Three Press also has a Discord server.

What does Crystalpunk sound like?
Cyberpunk and even steampunk have their sounds. So does Crystalpunk and, good news, it’s a fantastic sound laden with lots of synthwave.
Plus Three Press have a Spotify playlist, and it kicks off with Turbo Killer from Carpenter Brut.