Hit Point Press, the team behind Heckna and Humblewood have another $100,000 plus Kickstarter success on their hands.
Hexbound is a D&D 5e supplement all about witches, and it has a particular emphasis on mobile. You can read more or join in via the pitch page.
As well as the traditional paper book and PDF approach, Hexbound also funds a mobile app called the Arcane Eye. The app uses Augmented Reality technology techniques to bring motion graphs to illustrations in the books through the phone’s camera and display and then from there provide quick access to stats and even combat mechanics for the witches in question.
Hexbound introduces new witch subclasses, supporting spells, familiars and backgrounds. For busy DMs, the witch supplement brings three new adventures, magical items and new creatures to distract the PCs with.
The book itself is divided on those two lines; for players and GMs.

A pledge of $20 will get you a digital copy of Hexbound and battlemaps from PDF adventures. That digital copy still works with the Arcane Eye app.
The complete edition, which means a digital copy, battlemap PDF and hardcover, requires a pledge of $50 (about £27).
A $100 pledge is also available which ads in a pack of reference cards and one set of Hexbound minis with supporting STL files.
All the tiers have an estimated delivery date of February 2022.