Toei Animation is streaming a five-minute short animation by Atsutoshi Umezawa that brings to life some cyberpunk-ninja action in the real city of Sasebo.
No one speaks in the short, so you don’t have to worry about languages or subs vs dubs, and the soundtrack is delightful.
Urvan was created by PEROs. That’s Toei Animation’s new intellectual property team and short for Prototyping and Experimental Research in Oizumi Studio. You can imagine that team is interested in animation techniques and the opportunity to launch new projects that will be commercially successful.
In the case of Urvan, we’re told a new production method was used in conjunction with Nagasaki International University’s Departments of Humanities and, guess what, it used Zoom.
COVID-19 is partly responsible for this, and rather than going on-site to the studio, the PEROs team used landscape photographs taken by students, Zoom and file sharing over Box to finish the project with the team working remotely.
Ready for another tour? Use this teleport link to travel away to a random destination and another short film.