Imagine drawing power from a cosmic entity, demon lord or angelic guardian that was your lover.
In the DMs Guild supplement, Ripley Tides presents The Lovers as a Warlock patron free from the more traditional “edgelord” angst of drawing power from a darkly corrupting or sinister force.
The Lovers is a two-page document, Pay What You Want, and a suggested price tag of $1.
This new Valentine’s Day appropriate patron brings with a new Pact Boon and 8 unique Eldritch Invocations.
Now, I’m not sure if this was Tides’ intent, but the Lovers Patron has a distinctly polyamorous vibe to it.
Let me run through my logic, starting with the Pact Boon: Pact of the Ring. The Lover patron gifts their Warlock with two rings; not one for the Warlock and one for the Patron, but one for the Warlock and one for someone else. The Warlock can pick their Ringed Ally.
New rings can be forged, and with the Improved Pact Ring invocation, a 1-hour ceremony allows the Warlock to craft another one, giving it to another alley. Wearing the ring is essential for the Eldritch Invocations that come later as they often only affect the Ringed Ally.
For example, “Comforting Whispers is the ability to talk telepathically to your Ringed Alley and “Lover’s Passion” means the Warlock can cast their spells from a Ringed Ally.
At first level, The Lovers Warlock can Bond with others, without the ring but provided they consent. While Bonded with someone, both get +1 attack rolls and saving throughs and can communicate with each other.
Bonds can be changed with a Long Rest.
At 6th level, Bonded partners can be protected with Shared Sacrifice, boosted with Stronger Together and guarded with What’s Mine Is Yours.
As with all DMs Guild supplements, there’s plenty of debate about whether or not you agree with the balance decisions in The Lovers, but I enjoyed the concept.