Created for the Clock Jam, Two Left Hands’ Project O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. is the story of activists who take on a corrupt corporation.

In the future, there’s only one social network, a powerhouse created by merging all the previous social successes into one. Now, imagine this if you can; it becomes a force for evil., the mega-corporation that is this single surviving social platform, sets about undermining the political status quo worldwide to tilt things in its favour.
At the forefront of this sinister agenda are agents known as MinotaURs. Active around the world, these MinotaURs create fake news and disinformation to spread around the internet and sow dissent.
Project O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. is a secret organisation created by a mysterious entity known as Prometheus and PCs are renegade MinotaURs who have turned against
As fitting for the ancient Greek themed game, the GM is known as the Muse.