The Orr Group have released their latest data from Roll20 so we can see just how strong Dungeons & Dragons is on the virtual tabletop.
It’s not a surprise to discover that the 5th edition of the game dominates. 52.9% of all campaigns played on Roll20 are D&D 5e (and over 1% are D&D 3.5). On a player level, D&D is even stronger as 58% of accounts play D&D 5e campaigns.

The 2020 Q3 report reminded us of the definition of the two counting methods.
The “Campaign Percentage” is how many Roll20 campaigns use a game system, whereas “Account Percentage” is how many Roll20 users play the game system.
In 2020 Q4, Roll20 passed 8 million users. That’s huge. Linktree raised $10.7m just for people to list a set of personal links when they hit 8 million.
Roll20 are thoughtful enough to consider their 8 million mark a bittersweet moment as the surge in popularity is, in part, driven by lockdown restrictions still in place in many countries due to the pandemic.
As Roll20 has shared the milestone, we can run some maths. We know the percentage of games users play and know the total number of users; we can convert those ratios to absolute figures.

Based on the “Account Percentage” and a nice round 8,000,000 users, we can calculate that 4,675,000 Roll20 users play D&D 5e, 1,075,200 play “Uncategorized”, which tends to be homebrew games not caught in the 892,000 “Other Games” and 525,600 play Call of Cthulhu.
System | Account Percentage | Player Count |
D&D 5e | 58.44% | 4,675,200 |
Uncategorized | 13.44% | 1,07,200 |
Call of Cthulhu (any edition) | 6.57% | 525,600 |
Pathfinder | 3.98% | 318,000 |
Pathfinder Second Edition | 1.66% | 132,000 |
Warhammer (any) | 1.26% | 100,800 |
World of Darkness | 1.08% | 86,400 |
D&D 3.5 | 1.06% | 84,800 |
Star Wars (any edition) | 0.70% | 56,000 |
Starfinder | 0.66% | 52,800 |
Other Games | 11.15% | 892,000 |