British artist Abigail Edgerton runs Metal Art Productions. The clue is in the name, Abigail uses metal, often lots of it, in their heart.
Geekily, you can find such creations as a 60cm Predator, an Iron Man or even this small Bumblebee.
Deadpool, though, stands out. This incarnation of the merc with the mouth is life-sized!
The model is entirely built from scrap and welded into place by hand. Metal Art Productions uses the phrase “one of our artists” as they make enough that Abigail surely couldn’t do it all.
Each handmade piece is designed first. You can imagine that you need to know you are putting the right part in the right place before applying the heat to stick metal together. As a result, Deadpool and other large metal sculptures can take months to plan and then build.
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