In Southwest England, in the 70s, as Thatcher is taking on the trade unions and the miners, you can find the quaint town of Solemn Vale.
People are polite in Solemn Vale, perhaps prone to gossip about newcomers and to praying to pagan gods.
Dirty Vortex asked Kickstarter for $5,000 to fund the RPG, and with nearly 20 days left on the campaign, they’ve got almost $16,000 in pledges. You can see the latest total and join in from the pitch page.
There’s a Discord for Solemn Vale if you want to ask about it.
The RPG uses a system called “Wyrd Abacus” that involves attribute pools and a bidding mechanic. As characters get more involved, they risk getting caught in the Wyrd itself, a force of fate.
As Solemn Vale describes itself, Folklore horror is that intersection of traditional stories that are told, retold and passed on through the generations with spooky, scary and weird endings.
To get you in the mood for some folk horror weirdness, check out The Unholy Trinity of British Folk Horror: Witchfinder General (1968), The Blood on Satan’s Claw (1971), and The Wicker Man (1973). There was a plethora of folk horror themed shows released in the UK during the 1970s, many of which were dramas made for day time television, some notable examples would be: The Stone Tape (1972), Children of the Stones (1977), and The Shout (1978).

The PDF of Solemn Value is unlocked, including a copy of volume one of Into the Wyrd, a compilation of fiction, and Stage Rules, a supplement with challenges, denizens, locations and encounters, is yours as a reward for a pledge of $20.
A pledge of $35 adds the core rules as a softcover.
A pledge of $50 makes that a hardcover.
There are higher tiers for limited edition covers and maps.
No matter the pledge level you go in, Dirty Vortex estimates the project will be delivered in July 2022. Kickstarter says the campaign is based in Los Angeles, America, and ironically the campaign has a Brexit warning as shipping to the UK is a bit tricky right now.