Comic Connect sold a mint condition Action Comics #1 for $3.25m.
Seems like a lot? It’s a new record, but as Geek Native reported when Sotheby’s had the The Ian Levine Collection up for auction, the previous record was $3.2m. That was an eBay sale too.
The buyer of this record-breaking Superman title is anonymous, and they’re lucky to have the comic at all. It was reportedly discovered in a stack of 1930s movie magazines and been sold three times before. How much profit did the previous owner make? An astounding $1m.
Vincent Zurzolo, co-owner of ComicConnect, said in a press release;
This is an 83-year-old comic book in near-pristine condition—and it’s a sight to behold. Not to mention, this book launched the superhero genre that’s such a huge part of our culture.”
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