Asmodee is more than just a company that makes games, more than a company that owns other gaming making companies; they are also a powerhouse of fulfilment and logistics. They’re the company that puts games in friendly local gaming stores.
In the UK, Asmodee is doing what it can to put gamers into game stores too.

As the United Kingdom begins to exit one of the toughest pandemic lockdowns in the world, Asmodee is offering;
- £1,000 cash prize for one lucky winner.
- £50 store vouchers for ten winners.
- Assorted game bundles.
To enter, you have to visit a participating UK-based indie bricks-and-mortar games store and do so between now and the 31st of May. Scan the QR code you should find at the till and follow the link to a form.
If you go more than once during this time, then you can scan more than once.
Winners will be told that they’re lucky devils over email.
Not sure if your game store qualifies? If it’s on Asmodee UK’s store finder, it’s in.
Non-essential retail opened in England today but is opening at different rates in the other nations of the United Kingdom. Here in Scotland, we’re a bit more cautious, and it’ll be closer to the end of this month before stores open.
This blogger’s local store, Red Dice Games, is in the competition program, will be offering click and collect, but I’ll need to wait until non-essential shops in Scotland open before I get access to the Asmodee supplied QR code. I’m planning some visits!