Dusk City Outlaws is a tabletop RPG fantasy heist from Scratchpad Publishing.
The game is designed by Rodney Thompson, who currently writes for Bungie’s Destiny, but also worked for Wizards of the Coast on D&D 5e and as lead designer on Star Wars Saga Edition.
As usual, there’s a time limit and a charity partner on this Bundle of Holding deal, but for the next three weeks, the core rules and expansions are available from their own offer page.
Starter Collection – $7.95
There are five downloads in the starter collection with a combined retail value of $35.
- Dusk City Outlaws
- 4 Dusk City Jobs
Bonus Collection
If you can beat the threshold price, the weighted average paid for this bundle, then the Bonus Collection is yours too. That adds another $53 worth of books.
- Turf Wars
- 8 more Dusk City Jobs
- The Zombie Job
The charity partner for this bundle is Direct Relief who are active in the US, Canada and around the world in the fight against the pandemic.
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