The Prophecy of Nine Omens trilogy is a 5e Kickstarter from Midnight Tower, an indie publisher based in Oxford.
The good looking Kickstarter is funded several times over and offers three classical fantasy RPG adventures for D&D. You can find out more or back it at the project page.
The campaign also includes free VTT tokens, maps and digital handouts. The adventure is suitable for characters level 10 to 12 but adaptable to any level.
Curious? There’s a free preview (PDF link) from the Midnight Tower website.
If all the Kickstarter goals are met, and we’re nearly at the last of the published targets, the book will be 160 or so pages and available in hardback, softcover and digital.
The book itself contains the following;
- No Honour Among Thieves
- Sea Monsters ahead, Captain!
- The Sunken Temple of Sirenholm
- The Brave Adventurer’s Guide
The Prophecy of Nine Omens has foretold that three legendary orbstones will cause death and destruction throughout Eastern Farraway.
The orbstones must be destroyed to avert the prophecy and stop the cataclysm.You have to cunningly steal the orbs from a heavily protected vault and transport them across the sea to the secret location of the sunken city of Sirenholm. Only there, in the heart of the underwater Temple of Tanaaris, can the orbstones be obliterated.
Gather your companions. Bring your swords. Choose your spells wisely.
Are you ready to save Eastern Farraway?

A pledge of £10 unlocks those three adventures plus the guide in PDF and gets your name in the book.
An upgrade to £20 adds a print-on-demand coupon for the softback (one tier) or hardback (another tier).
There are higher tiers, including a £195 “The Collector,” which delivers signed goodies, alternative covers and an engraved leather bookmark.
Irrespective of your pledge, items are due to be delivered around July 2021.