The idea behind Smonex’s “RPG Smart Box” is that it has everything you need to be a player on D&D night. There’s a space for dice, pencils and a character mini. There are drinking coasters, obviously, and notebook space.
Even the drinking coasters have space for dice.
The project has now funded and has more than three weeks to get larger, with $13,500 in the bank. You can see the latest total or join in at their project page.
It’s the dragon on the front of the box that caught my attention. It’s striking. The box is held closed by magnets, and on the flip side of the lid, there’s a decorative tavern design (where adventures start, right?). Meanwhile, the base of the box becomes a dice tray.
A notebook, a refillable one, comes with the box as well, so you know it’ll fit in the space provided.
You can get the coasters, 5 of them, with a pledge of $32, shipping is restricted, but the coasters look so good that I’m tempted.
Or you can get the notebook for $35. The vault for dice, the character mini and some pencils can also be an individual reward at $45.
A pledge of $149 will get you them all and the smart box with a map lid and tray base.
Step up to $259, and the box lid is engraved with your design.
There’s good news if the Kickstarter has come at a bad time for you. Smonex has an Etsy store where you can buy their Gloomhaven organisers and other wooden accessories.
My hope is that coasters may be available from their later, along with the dice vaults. The notebooks are currently in stock but may not be the right size to fit the smart box.