Benito Garcia has a clever but straightforward idea to help reduce clutter behind GM screens.
The solution is a ledge. Or many ledges if your GM screen is robust enough to support more. The Ledges’ material is dependant on production research by Benito’s team and the success of the Kickstarter, but high production resin printers are being considered. The campaign goal is $5,000 and you can see progress from the pitch page.
Suggested uses for Ledges include dice, sticky notes, cellphones, markers, notepads and even minis. I rather like the idea of using them to tease players too, imagine having the tips of some devil-wings threateningly peep over the top of your DM screen!
It’s clear if you’ll forgive the pun that Benito draws on plenty of real-world experience.
I started playing way back in the day. It was called AD&D then, 1985 I think, and I’ve had a love for the game every since. This project is designed with all the love and admiration for all you GMs out there. Ledges are designed to make your life far less stressful in an already stressful world, whether that world is based in a land a long time ago, inhabited by dragons, wizards and fun loving adventures or a galaxy far far away where the future of civilization is dependent on killing the alien scourge.
It’s good news if you have your own 3d-printing capabilities along with the material required to produce transparent models as the STL files for the 6 Ledges on offer here are available with only a $15 pledge. I’m sure many people could design their own Ledge shape, but these promises also back the project.
A starter set of lodges, 1 medium and 2 large, are the rewards for the $28 tier. One more of each are added at the $50 tier.
Despite the price hike, most backers at the time of writing have gone for the $130 option that summons 2 medium Ledges, 4 large, 1 extra-large, 1 large with dry-erase holder, one with pegs and one for your smartphone.
The Ledges project has an estimated delivery of December 2021.
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