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Just when I thought I had seen every possible way to store dice. Petulant Pudgies has invented the Mimic Dice Holder Tree, and it looks amazing.
Made from polymer clay, glass cork and acrylic paint this handmade sculpture (let’s call it that) is 7 inches tall. That’s enough space to hold four standard sets of D&D gamer dice.
The catch? There’s only one Mimic Dice Holder Tree, and Petulant Pudgies will sell out soon, as the vessel has been getting some social media attention.
I like that Petulant Pudgies haven’t created a random tree monster to hold your dice. This is a Mimic, and it’s a Mimic’s that trying to look like a tree.
And, did you spot the bear?
This dangerous tree ships but only to some countries and only at the cheapest rate. If you want it more swiftly, speak to the artist Jared Horton who will arrange an alternative.
If you miss out on the Mimic, there’s also this regular tree dice holder. Wait, it’s normal? Right?
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