The latest newsletter from DriveThruRPG has warned customers that prices will go up dramatically.
The retailer says,
As of July 1st, due to price changes from our print partner, the price of premium color books will increase dramatically. Black-and-white and standard color books will not be affected.

Last month, Geek Native reported on unavoidable printer changes coming to the DMs Guild and DriveThruRPG.
It was hoped that the change would decrease the cost of colour books available via print-on-demand. So, why has the price increase?
Geek Native understands the issue is with quality. OneBookShelf’s Scott Holden, director of marketing and publisher relations, foreshadowed this in May, saying;
But if the quality of printing drops significantly for only a slight improvement in price, then we may have to consider more significant changes, up to and including moving our printing services to a new provider if necessary.”
It seems now that this scenario might be true, although it is understood that OneBookShelf is staying with Lightning Source for printing. The new printing solution, one needed to maintain quality, is more expensive.