Eventyr Games’ first Kickstarter is taking the crowdfunding platform by storm. Wanderer’s Guide to Merchants & Magic asked for €2,500, and within a few days, it has more than €23,000 pledged.
The book’s success is partially due to the problem it addresses; there are no native rules for trading magic items in D&D 5e. How much are they worth? What can you buy? How do you haggle? You can see the latest figures and pledge from the pitch page.
Wanderer’s Guide to Merchants & Magic offers 20 magic shops and 100 new magic items, with original artwork including (as an add-on) printable item cards for each.
There are rules and guidelines for trading rare items and price lists for the most popular magic items you’ll likely find in the 5e books.
There are also rules and tables for creating your own magic shop, handy for when characters stop at the first city they find after a dungeon’s success and want to unload.
“Where can I buy a magic item?”
It was this simple question – and how difficult it was to answer – that inspired us to make Wanderer’s Guide to Merchants & Magic. Because what does a magic shop look like? Who runs it? What does it sell – and what does it cost? And how does it protect its valuable wares? Merchants & Magic makes answering these questions easy by providing 20 magic shops ready for you to plug into your 5E game!
This may be Eventyr Games’ first Kickstarter, but they’re an established publisher and have sold more than 75,000 products. On the DMs Guild, they get a perfect 5/5 stars 90% of the time.
The leading writers are J.A. and S.K. Valeur, while Nana Landholt Petersen does the art. Stretch goals bring in Michael Shea from Sly Flourish and Anne Gregersen.

A pledge of €15 (about £13) is enough to unlock the PDF of the book. The softcover is only €25, but shipping is extra.
€30 will get you both the PDF and softcover or the hardback.
There are other tiers available, and delivery of the physical goods is expected in March 2022, while the PDF is out much earlier in November 2021.
There’s a Discord server to ask questions in and a Patreon to support the publisher.