Marius Solstice has worked with Reddit communities to forge a free to download 7-page D&D supplement that discusses rules and additions to add more options for characters with disabilities.
The free supplement comes in different PDFs, one for screen readers, one with the open dyslexic font, one black and white and one that looks more like a traditional DMs Guild download.
There aren’t any illustrations, but there are plenty of links to resources and gamers who have helped out.
There are two main bits in Options for characters with disabilities although it is presented mainly as an essay with spell and magic items added to it.
The first half comes with brief but thoughtful rules discussions. For example;
Sometimes the choice of words in the PHB and other sourcebooks won’t refer directly to a particular condition, but would still indicate relying on a specific sense to use a feature (“a creature that you can see or hear” …). It’s fair to say that your character will probably rely on other senses to perceive its surroundings, so that the wording can be circumvented and your intent remains possible.
The second half is magical, adding spells and items that match well with D/deaf, hard of hearing, blind and visually impaired characters.
For example, “Borrow Sense” is a spell in which the caster can see through a willing humanoid’s eyes or hear what they hear. “Embossed Writing” is a cantrip that embosses the writing on a document into a written language you understand without acting as a translation spell.
There are objects as well, such as the Glasses of Sight, which, while worn, suppress the effects of the blinded condition on you.