An unconfirmed leak appears to show Fantasy Grounds’ version of one of two new D&D books revealed today by Amazon listings.
Geek Native has not been able to confirm the authenticity of the image. However, a cover is likely to exist for a book due to be available in physical form in September, and digital marketplaces like Roll20, D&D Beyond and Fantasy Grounds may well have copies.

The image shows a circus tent lit by torchlight in stark orange contrast to a gloomy and brooding background. Interposed between the red and white striped big top and the shadowy backdrop, a sinister jester, also white and red, leers up.
An even larger figure, perhaps an ogre, or half-ogre, dressed in a top hat and a suit, stands behind the jester. The man, with slightly pointed ears, holds a pocket watch in one hand.
Both figures have hands raised, reaching out from the shadows to the viewer.
In D&D’s The Forgotten Realms, the Feywild is the Plane of the Faerie, something of an echo of the Prime Material Plane. It’s a place of magic and the origin of the fae.