Fans of Forged in the Dark may soon get a best-selling indie RPG setting to be tempted by. Will Power Games grimdark Synthicide sci-fi in which players are smugglers trying to survive in a future controlled by a malicious AI-loving church.
Sharpers in the Dark launched this week, is heading towards 100 backers already and approaching the $5,000 target. You can check out the progress from the pitch page.
Need to see a bit more? There’s a free to download Sharpers in the Dark quickstart on DriveThruRPG.
Using the Forged in the Dark approach, if successful, Synthicide: Sharpers in the Dark offers up 7 playbooks to determine which style of sharper your PC is, 6 bioclasses to see how mutated or enhanced they are, 5 crew sheets, 5 space ship sheets and 17 factions from 15 different planets.
A mutant war destroyed every civilized world in the Galaxy, and the only survivors were located on the outer rim. A dark age ensued, and a tech cult that places no value on organic life rose to power. Murdering humans is no longer a crime, and corporations are never held accountable. Society has descended into gang rule and barbarism, and sharpers live in the midst of this fight. They enact violence and sabotage for pay, giving their patrons whatever edge they can.

A pledge of $10 is enough for a PDF copy of the game, and stepping up to $15 adds the print-on-demand coupon from DriveThruRPG.
It’s a jump next to $80 for an alternative cover with a signed copy and appears in the backer credits.
You can see signs that Synthicide has a good community as two backers have gone for the highest tier, $275, to get a custom illustration added.
The PDF is due out in December, but the print book not expected until afterwards and in January 2022. That signed alternative takes one more month.