Leather, Steel, Blade & Bone is an electrum best-selling Zweihander RPG supplement by Jess Heising et al. Heising now works for Grim & Perilous, the studio has announced.

Jeff brings four decades of experience to the company and his books, moving from his DriveThruRPG titles to the studios’ electronic shop shelf.
That move of ownership represents a temporary 15% saving for Zweihander fans as Leather, Steel, Blade & Bone and Dark Astral are now being bundled together.
Dark Astral: The Dark Below Edessa is an adventure for the Dark Astral Chapbook and set in the sprawling wreckage of humanity’s last refuge. There are sinister plots, vile mutants and the ghosts of the past for gritty heroes to discover.
The Dark Below also includes 19 miniature tokens.
Leather, Steel, Blade & Bone has rules for separate injury tables for the severity of the wound, body part and weapon type! There are new combat Drawbacks as well as detailed rules for piecemeal armour.
Jeff’s next release isn’t being kept under wraps for now.