There’s a new trailer out for MAPPA’s Takt Op: Destiny, and it shows the character previously identified as Fate / Ludvig von Beethoven’s Symphony No.5 in C Minor Op.67 and a one-armed conductor battle aliens.
Matching the title of the show, Takt Op: Destiny, the lady in red is referred to as Destiny, not Fate, with this release, but that sounds like a translation issue.
A black meteorite crashed into the world and changed it forever, producing weird creatures known as D2.
The D2 ban music, which seems to be their only weakness. These anthropomorphic songs are known as “Musicart”, young women who are one with music and who have the power to defeat the D2.
The Conductor is the one who “leads” the women.
The events in the series are set in America, ruined and rampaged by the D2 by 2047 and follows one Conductor and his partnered Musicart named Unemi/Destiny. He wants to crush the D2; she wants music to return.
The series will run in Japan, on TV Tokyo, in October.
N.B. My Google music detection doesn’t recognise the music in the trailer, but I know it’s not Beethoven’s Symphony No.5 in C Minor Op.67.
Via Anime News Network.
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