On Friday 30th July and Sunday 1st August, one of the largest tabletop gaming conventions will try and push on with an in-person expo.
It’s not easy, and I’ve sympathy for the organisers. Equally, it’s pleasing to see that people are going and worrying, and we’re left to hope the event does not become a super spreader.

The lockdown is set to be wiped away in England on the 19th of July, ending one of the longest-running and most severe restrictions in the world. It’s a controversial decision as while it helps avoid clashing with the expected winter surge and school schedules, it also comes during the start of the third wave of infections. People with two jags of vaccine can catch, spread, become ill and still die of COVID-19.
The UK Games Expo, as Gen Con in the States, previously said that they will not require attendees to wear masks.
However, in an update last night, and on a #PlayWithConfidence news page due for another update today, those rules change.
- Visitors to UK Games Expo will now have to take a home lateral flow test before coming to the venue.
- Everyone aged 16 and higher must also present an NHS COVID Pass on day one or, before attendance, email evidence of a negative COVID-19 test. (The NHS COVID Pass is only available in England, not Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales).
- Anyone younger than 16 does not qualify for the Pass and should bring email evidence of a negative test.
- Unless you have medical exemptions, you must bring and wear a mask.
It’s understood that the venue owners are involved in these new rules. Geek Native hypothesises that while it will be legally permissible for visitors not to wear masks that the Birmingham NEC venue has two considerations;
Keeping the venue open, avoiding being closed as an outbreak centre.
Cautious about insurance and liability, as the English legal requirements for venue owners Duty of Care is untested in this situation.