is a site with lots of helpful Savage Worlds tools. Last week, it updated with character generation for Pathfinder for Savage Worlds.
Additionally, all registered users can use the tool, bringing material from the core rules and the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Bestiary.
To find it, click on Character Creator, go to Settings and look for Pathfinder in the Book Selection list. includes licensed settings for Rippers, Lankmar, East Texas University, Deadlands and Rifts.
Speaking of Rifts, Palladium Books is now selling a $6 Excel spreadsheet from DriveThruRPG that’s an automated character sheet for the sci-fi epic.
You’ll want to have at least Excel 2016 for this to work best.
$6 may sound a lot to pay for a spreadsheet, especially as many readers will be able to automate much of this themselves if time allows. However, there’s a lot in this one.
- Dice Roller: A simple dice roller is on the main page of the character sheet to help with character creation or game dice rolling needs.
- Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonus to save vs Psionics, Mind Control, etc. You can pick your strength type (Normal, Augmented, Robotic or Supernatural) to determine your carrying and lifting capacity and even your M.D. punch damage if your strength is high enough and of the correct type.
- Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses, including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety. This section draws upon all of your character’s selection of skills and abilities and even offers customization from odd O.C.C. or racial abilities.
- Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on psionics for your character. Each psionic ability’s data, including damage, M.D.C. and range, also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
- Automated Spells: All Common Invocation, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells (yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!) can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on spells for your character. Each spell’s data, including damage, M.D.C. and range, also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
- Automated Skills: All skills from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills. Physical skills that provide bonuses also add those bonuses directly to attributes and combat stats. Bonuses that require dice rolls are denoted and can then be manually rolled and added to the character sheet. Custom per cent bonuses such as O.C.C. bonuses can also be added to individual skills.
- Automated Cybernetics & Bionics: All cybernetics and bionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, along with some favourites from other books, can be selected from dropdown menus that tabulate bonuses and add them to your combat stats. Prices also sum up so an enterprising Headhunter can keep track of his hardware and upgrades. Simple cybernetic body part diagrams even allow players to allocate their various cybernetic and bionic components.
- Freeform O.C.C. and Racial Power Section: A section for non-standard powers, special O.C.C. or racial abilities allows the player to add custom skills and powers linked to those features to draw upon the character’s level of experience, I.Q. bonus or other stats, so powers grow as the character advances.
- Character Building Section: On the main page of the document is a section to help you build your character, from customizing attributes, to adding non-standard bonuses from O.C.C. or racial abilities, to an Optional point-buy system for attributes.
- Helpful Hints and Suggestions: Red triangular tabs appear throughout the document. Hovering over the red tab with the mouse cursor will reveal useful data from sourcebooks, hints, suggestions and other information, such as what a particular stat means, how it’s used in the game and what things can add bonuses or affect it. There is also a page with overview instructions on how to use the sheet, and several instructional videos will be posted via Palladium TV on the ins and outs of the character sheet.
- Portrait: A special sheet is set up so you can add an image to the document for a custom portrait for your character. That image is then displayed on the main page and is protected from accidental movement or deletion from the main page.
- Password Protected: Several pages of the document are password-protected so players won’t accidentally delete formulas and ruin the character sheet’s automated features. The password is provided so players can customize the sheet to their liking then protect the sheet again, so they don’t undo all their hard work.
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