The narrative and award-winning superhero game set in the slightly disturbing City of Mist expanded this week. Son of Oak Game Studios opened the City of Mist Garage on DriveThruRPG.
The Garage is a community content program that means third party creators, be they professional game designers or not, can now create and sell supplements for the game.
There are a few items already such as the case Dark Signs by Markus Raab and Jania Posdziech, the case King of the Ring by Kevin Carpenter and danger profiles with case ideas Urban Legends by A.C. Luke.
Some rules must be followed; in particular, the community content program allows new supplements and expansions for the City of Mist and “hacks” that take the game rules and apply them to other settings.
However, you cannot use this program to create your own City of Mist novels, comics, software, apps or even music.
Nor is the Garage a place for EdgeLords, as you cannot tie the game to racist, homophobic, discriminatory or other hate speech. Any depictions of extreme violence must be forewarned, or you risk Son of Oak Game Studio tossing the content out.
Lastly, this is an exclusive deal with the Garage, and the City of Mist material you sell must be restricted to their only. Any ads you run must also point back to the Garage listing on DriveThruRPG.
These limitations are common and best practice within community content programs at DriveThruRPG, home to many.
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