Arcane Hound’s The Menagerie leads with the 3d printable model designs it offers to people with the technology at home. It follows with terrain designs, battle maps to put those minis on and, oh yeah, a 5e adventure.
The $10,000 goal has been met. In fact, with more than three weeks still to run, the campaign has over 400 backers and more than $20,000 pledged. I suggest the Kickstarter is something of a nod towards a growing new aspect of the tabletop hobby. You can find out more and join from the project page.
That’s some tune!
The adventure is a bit more than a scenario and perhaps a bit less than a campaign setting. It has 20+ new monsters, 20+ new magic items and 20+ new spells.
30+ battle maps that come with The Menagerie are digital and printable.
The 3D components include 100+ character, creature and terrain STL files.
When we set out to launch this Kickstarter, we didn’t just want to share our 3D models, we wanted to share an entire world. This is why we are offering a companion PDF/book to go along with the models.
I don’t have a 3d-printer, but I understand the importance of model designs that don’t collapse during the process and achieve that supports need to be printed simultaneously and then cut away.
Arcane Hound’s Menagerie is 100% pre-supported, and about 25% of the models won’t need supports in the first place. That’s great if you print in FDM. The following printers have been tested on; Anycubic Photon, Mono X, Prusa MK3s, Mini, Ender 3 Pro and Elegoo Mars.
The designs are made for standard 1″ RPG grids (25mm) but can be sized up or down as required.

In terms of pledges, a PDF of the book kicks off as a $25 reward. That tier includes a coupon for a print-on-demand version (estimated $35 and shipping) from DriveThruRPG.
Or, for $25, you can get the 100+ STUL files for all the minis and terrain.
If you are super quick, the “early” bird $40 deal will get you the PDF, STL files, at-cost print coupon, 30+ battle maps and your name in the book. If not, then that’s $49.
A limited number $99 collectors edition is still there, which includes 3 models printed by Arcane Hound et al. and send to you.
The sand worm, which looks so cool on the Kickstarter, is printed and send to you, with 5 other models and the usual rewards at $199 in another limited tier.
The digital-only delivery is estimated for March 2022, while those 3d printed limited deals will happen in July.
The Kickstarter graphics mention “Elwood Chronicles”, but I suspect there is no connection to the Ellwood Chronicles.