Dragon Prince is a successful American fantasy anime from Netflix and Wonderstorm. How successful? It has its own website.
Brotherwise Games has a board game coming out and it’ll hit stores in September, but I can already see it on pre-order, across Europe, and with a bit of competition on the prices. For example, reduced from £31.99 to £21.99 at ZATU, from £39.99 to £35.99 at Forbidden Planet and at Wayland Games.
Watch It Played with hosts Paula Deming and Matthew Jude got not only to play the game online but with actors from the Emmy winning show.
Voice actors Jack De Sena (Callum), Racquel Belmonte (Claudia) and Jesse Inocalla (Soren) took part, and it looked like they brought charm and a host of fun to the game.
Given the pre-order spread, the stars involved, it looks like Brotherwise are putting some heft into pushing the pre-order.
There’s an exclusive deal for people who do so at BrotherwiseGames.com before the 26th. A unique set of “Dark Callum” cards allows the player to play a corrupted version of the show’s protagonist. Pre-order customers will also get a set of The Dragon Prince-themed cards for Brotherwise Games’ dungeon-building game, Boss Monster.
The Dragon Prince: Battlecharged will be the first board game for the show, but you can also pre-order The Dragon Prince: Tales of Xadia a Cortex-powered tabletop RPG now.
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