In October, Bandai Spirits and animation studio Sunrise Beyond will premier Kyōkai Senki (War Machines on the Borderline). They’ve given us the first 11 minutes of episode 1 to watch on YouTube.
Animators such as Shinya Kusumegi and Hiroshi Arisawa are involved, both with loads of mecha experience. Studio Naya is helming the art.
It’s 2061, Japan is occupied by a coalition of the willing, and the whole world is now controlled by four trade blocs.
The frontline for the four-way conflict? Japan. As a result, the Japanese live not just with oppression and occupation but in the state of war and constant patrols from the war machines known as AMAIM.
Our hero is a young introvert called Amo Shiiba, who meets an AI called Gai and manages to acquire an AMAIM of his own. Is that unlikely start enough to win Japan’s freedom back?
Via Anime News Network.
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