Texas in August Studio astutely points out that Liches may be a good choice for big bads in RPGs, but they’re essentially a new facet in geek culture. There’s no mythology and not much fiction to draw inspiration from.
Liches: Dance Macabre has insight and rules for Pathfinder and D&D’s 5e to assist with that. The campaign is a few hundred bucks from funding and can be found on Kickstarter.
Curious but uncertain? Geek Native has both a preview of Liches: Dance Macabre and a competition to win a copy that’s open for another few days.
The book will offer 6 lich archetype templates to tempt you, 13 new spells, 4 magic items, 12 new monsters, a detailed lair and a half-dozen NPCs.
Everyone hates liches – the Sorrow Lords – more than vampires, dragons, and demons. They are sentient, free-willed open wounds in reality who corrupt everything they touch. But, a lich that never leaves its crypt is not as frightening as one that goes soul hunting. A lich that never looks up from its magical work is not as useful as one that hunts the player characters.

It only takes a pledge of $10 to get listed as a backer, an advance copy and then the final PDF.
At $15, an art packet is added; at $20, you get to vote on the cover as well and name an NPC, while at $25, which only has 2 spaces left, you might be part of a short campaign run by the author Robert Sullivan.