It’s Friday the 13th, and so Pelgrane Press has picked today to make free to download 13th Age RPG quickstart rules.
The RPG 13th Age is a d20-based fantasy but uses d8 and other dice. It was designed by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet, lead designers of D&D 4 and D&D 3.
In the game, every character has one unique thing that separates them from everyone else, and the system uses other mechanics designed to help develop both character and story. The Quickstart, as you’d imagine, touches on these.
The 19-page download has the minimum rules needed to run a game, some pre-genned characters and an introductory adventure.
Pelgrane Press say that the quickstart is enough to run adventures like Crown of Axis and The Strangling Sea. Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan’s Make Your Own Luck is also free and can be played with the quickstart rules as well.
It’s an excellent time to be tempted by 13th Age as there is just about a week left on a Humble Bundle deal of 13th Age Treasure! Maps! Adventures! offers over £250 worth of material for a fraction of the price.
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