Son of Oak’s tabletop RPG is the award-winning City of Mist. The game strongly emphasises storytelling while not shying away from the core concepts of a tabletop RPG.

In City of Mist you play a superhero in an atmospheric and sometimes spooky city.
The studio’s new game is Queerz, and it’s a game for everyone in which characters are superpowered members of the LGBT community who use empathy and compassion to battle against supervillains of hate and bigotry. It’s a very different vibe.
Queerz is successful already as a comic book from Asian creator ISA. By adopting it and bringing it to Kickstarter City of Oak will launch the first game to be powered by the City of Mist.
Ahead of the Kickstarter launch, the studio has a generous quickstart / demo game.
The download is 57-pages long and one of 10 PDF files in the free ZIP archive from DriveThruRPG. You also get a 30+ page Queerz comic, translated in English, that introduces the series and the tone.
As a hero you don’t only stop Ignorance, you talk to your enemies and discover what made Ignorance take root in their hearts. Perhaps, if they’re up to it, you can help them heal. This is reflected in the Inner Space, a hidden dimension of thoughts and feelings the Queerz can access with their Rainbow Empathy.

Also, in the download, the demo game introduces the Queerz setting along with Player and MC rules. As it uses the City of Mist, Queerz uses Statuses and Story Tags to shape the game’s flow and influence what characters can do.
5 pregenned character playbooks look gorgeous. In fact, a solid reason to download the demo is to check out the crisp, clear and colourful layout on display in the tabletop RPG. Queerz supers are liberally scattered throughout.
A demo adventure is included as well, and it’s tailored to be an introduction to the City of Mist system and the world of Queerz.

Lastly, there are trading cards and player move sheets in the bundle.
In this universe, Ignorance is an evil, almost alien, substance that appears as dark crystals — which you can smash, shatter, and obliterate. Your Super Sentai moves against Ignorance and its followers range from classic martial arts and energy weapons to whatever makes you unique as a person: your art, your passions, and your style.