Girl Genius is a steampunk action-adventure comedy masterpiece of a series from Phil and Kajo Foglio. It started as a comic book, is also a series of novels, and there have been Kickstarters for computer games.
Steve Jackson Games announced plans for the Girl Genius RPG some time ago, and I sense it’s been a bit of a battle getting the book ready (but hasn’t everything given the lockdown and Brexit) but now the PDF prerelease release (DTRPG link) is available at Warehouse 23, SJGames’ store.
A prerelease release means that the PDF will be updated for free when final tweaks are made.
That final stage has a Kickstarter to come. You can access the private view of the Kickstarter now and watch the development. You can also click the “Remind me” button, as this blogger has done.
Girl Genius RPG will use GURPS 4e. You won’t need a copy of the generic universal roleplaying system to play Girl Genius, as the book will have everything you need.
It’s a sourcebook as well as a TTRPG. In this issue of Girl Genius, you’ll also find a detailed setting with history, biographies and the characters and stats for clanks and the quirky creatures of the series.
The book also includes advice on creating a mad science world that feels like comic books.
Quick Links
- Warehouse 23 and Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game.
- DriveThruRPG’s Girl Genius.
- Girl Genius RPG Kickstarter page.
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