The indie RPG studio Runehammer, the company behind the multi-world, streamlined d20 Index Card RPG has teamed up with Modiphius. As a result, a new 400-paged special hardbound print of the game will get a retail release.

The new ICRPG will have five complete worlds;
- Fantasy
- Sci-fi
- Weird West
- Ice Age
- Superheroes
It’ll also come with a host of d100 tables for monsters, loot and other handy things for GMs to have on tap.
Runehammer has made their virtual tabletop free. The Runehamer VTT (RHVTT) requires a Patreon login, but you do not need to be donating any money via Patreon to use it; you just need to have a Patreon account.
Viking Death Squad

Also arriving in retail for spring 2022 is Runehammer’s Viking Death Squad. Inspired by Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs”, the game is a world of immortal Vikings, cybernetic horrors and hordes of demons.
There are no hit points; the system uses initiative-as-armour and a d6 “dice pile” for challenge resolution. It’s illustrated with the “hard-edge” style of Brandish Gilehelm.
Quick Links
- Pre-order Index Card RPG.
- Pre-order Viking Death Squad.
- RHVTT login.