In Dungeons & Dragons 5e, several spells have a range/area described as 30 ft long and 5 feet wide. For example, spells like Aganazzar’s Scorcher the 2nd level Evocation available to Wizards and Sorcerers.
As ruled by RAW (rules as written), just how many people could such a spell actually hit? Around 15, but it depends.
As shown in a diagram created by Redditor Troutyo_, it depends on the angle and could be as few as 12 or up to 16.
The chart shows spells with the 30ft by 5ft range and the number of squares hit at angles from 0° to 45°. RAW would mean one medium-sized entity could be in each of those squares.
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One debate is the difference between the round area of effects and square ones such as illustrated here. The rule “if half the area of the spell is in the square” reduces the impact of only round area spells. Some D&D groups home-rule to expand into all types of areas.
Via Reddit.
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