Based on non-western and ancient mythologies, Ankur is an indie tabletop RPG that uses a d12 system. It’s been on Kickstarter before, and now this sandals and ray-guns sci-fi game is back with a new edition.
Ankur – Kingdom of the Gods isn’t over the line, but it’s looking good. There are still four weeks for backers to join, and so far, $1,700 of the $2,00 goal has been found. You can join in or check out the progress from the pitch page.
Published by Chris Miller and Mad Scribe Games, the RPG offers a gritty combat system, reaches into Sumerian myth and allows PCs to carry on as “ghosts” after death!
A species of alien beings from the planet Nibir, in the farthest reaches of our solar system, come to Earth to mind gold for the production of mana.
Through genetic manipulation, they create a variety of humanoid beings to mine the gold. A series of cataclysms and power struggles set in motion events that will entwine their destinies forever!
You can get free to download ANKUR Kingdom of the Gods RPG.

A pledge of $10 gets a PDF copy of the Player’s Guide or Game Master Guide. Equally, the new edition of Anur – Land of the First People, the first setting expansion, is also $10.
If you want to combo up with Player’s Guide and GM Guide in PDF, then it’s $15, or the same amount will get you the hardcover via a discount code with shipping costs to add.
There are many options for pledges since there are three main books but the Player’s Guide and GM book combo is $30 for print. That’s a discount code, though, with taxes, printing costs and shipping to add later.
The triple combo, adding in the extension, is the same deal but at $55.
The estimated fulfilment date is January 2022.