Based on the novels by John Michael Greer, Aeon Games is Kickstarting a Weird of Hali RPG.
In the world, the Great Old Ones aren’t evil. That’s propaganda spread by the evil cult known as the Radiance. Aeon are asking for £10,000 to make the game. You can check out more details or pledge from the pitch page.
It is always reassuring to see any RPG built on Lovecraft’s works acknowledge that while a literary genius, the author was also an unpleasant racist. Aeron does not do this.
However, Aeron is John Michael Greer, and Greer’s political views are known. Describing himself as a moderate conservative, the author has served as the Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America, is a freemason and warns of the climate crisis’ role in societal collapse.
Everything you think you know about history is wrong. H.P. Lovecraft knew part of the truth, but even he didn’t know enough to survive. The Great Old Ones, the elder races, sorcery, cults like the Esoteric Order of Dagon and the Starry Wisdom Church—they exist, but they’re not the villains of the piece.
Thousands of years ago, in an unspeakable ritual of desecration, a secret society bound the Great Old Ones, stripping them of their powers. That secret society never died and still run their underground operations: it’s powerful, ruthless, heavily armed. It goes by the name of Radiance and its members will stop at nothing, especially now that we have stumbled upon some of the secrets of the Great Old Ones.
They’re looking for us. And if they find us, they will kill us.

The Weird of Hali RPG will use the Mythras rule system.
A pledge of £15 will get you a PDF copy of the game. That’ll be emailed directly to you, and Aeon estimates that it’ll happen as soon as November.
Increasing your pledge of support to £25 adds a physical copy of the game to the rewards.
Then, at £50, a deluxe and leather-bound edition of the game replaces the usual hardcover.
The two books have an estimated delivery date of December.