Wizards released The Wild Beyond the Witchlight today. In conjunction, the DMs Guild has launched the Dungeoncraft Spotlight.

The DMs Guild, which is a venture between OneBookShelf and WotC, has set up the Dungeoncraft as a spotlight for creator talent and as a way to showcase the possibilities of the magical realm.
Dungeon Masters Guild is pleased to bring you a series of feywild adventures from some of the Guild’s brightest and best-selling game designers. These “Dungeoncraft Spotlight” adventures are Tier 1 (Levels 1–4) romps through feywild domains of all flavors that showcase Domains of Delight’s advice in action. Weave these into your Witchlight campaign, or get your D&D Adventurers League table hype for a season of fey… Every adventure is “legal” for official play!
There are several downloads for sale in Dungeoncraft, and the Wizards of the Coast branded one is Domains of Delight.
Written by Adam Lee, WotC’s creative lead, Domains of Delight is the fae version of the Domains of Dread of the Shadowfell. The download lets DMs create their own Domains of Delight so adventures can be crafted for PCs and foibles and interests of players.
The $8 purchase is entirely in aid of WotC’s charity partner, Extra Life.
There are nine other DMs Guild purchases, each one $5.95, available in the Dungeoncraft.
- The Ember King by Bianca Bickford, is an adventure for level one characters.
- Find That Familiar is mentioned, but not currently live.
- The Monster of Wonderia, by Anthony Joyce is like the others in the Dungeoncraft program, is not part of any order, and is suited for Tier 1 adventurers.
- Crumbling Castles & Candy Clouds is a four-hour adventure, optimised for APL 3.
- The Landscape of Estorian LeFae by Gabe Hicks is a newbie-friendly one set in the Domain of Pigment.
- A Meal to Remember by Justice Arman, is a two-hour adventure for characters level 1 to 4.
- The Great Toy Escape, by Jacky Leung is listed but not yet live.
- Equally, A Stitch in Time by Kat Kruger is expected but not yet live.