“Deji” Meets Girl is a short anime series in which Maise Higa has to spent her summer break helping in her family’s hotel. How very boring for a 16-year-old.
That’s when a guest, Deji, turns up, and strange events like floating fish and a giant tree grows through the hotel.
Maise’s dad, Jaisei Higa, will be voiced by Kenta Miyake, aka All Might in My Hero Academia.
According to reports, Deji is an Okinawan word (where the anime is set) which might mean “very”, “a lot”, or perhaps “troublesome”. I’m going with the latter as it seems more fun, and while there was a lot of floating fish, I’d say the supernatural banyan tree was far more of a troublesome and weighty issue.
Via Crunchyroll.
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